Not enough songs (by the connecting artist) to justify the in-app purchase (of $3.99) for the songs to be full length. All songs only play introductions. For example, Bing Crosby needs to do "White Christmas", not some No Name artist. Except for a few, it reminds me of the imitation artist records that sold in the 70s by arists trying to sound like the original artists. There are some original artists, but not enough. Corrine May doing "Hark the Herald Angels"? Boney M. (?) in "Ill Be Home For Christmas? Who are THESE people?
Shame though, NICE interface. But not worth $3.99 to hear Sound-A-Likes. Id rather spend the money on a Christmas iTunes compilation of all original artists. .99 at the MOST.
LosAngeles90631 about Christmas Songs Music & Carols